Craigville Authors
The Chickens’ One Day Egg Cycle
The chicken’s egg cycle takes 24-26 hours with most of that time making the shell out of calcium which protects the yolk from bacteria (P. Biggs).
2023: The Year of The Rabbit
In the Chinese Zodiac (ancient source of folklore) this year is the Year of the Rabbit. People born in a Year of the Rabbit are called "Rabbits" and are believed to be vigilant, witty, quickminded, and ingenious (, Getty Images).
Feather Fun Facts
Bird Migrations
The question of where our feathered friends go in the winter is riddled with incorrect theories to explain their disappearance.
Feather Fun Facts
Snowy Owl Migration
The native to the Arctic snowy owl live in the tundra and perch on the ground or on short posts. They are an irruptive species, meaning that while they do not migrate every year; when they do, they go into a place they don’t usually live.