Craigville Authors
Fun Facts
Cape Cod is known for the hydrangea plants and this year has been a glorious year for the hydrangea blooms. Last year there was hardly a bloom all summer for in February 2023 there was a killing frost which was the demise of most if not all of the flower buds, while the winter of 2024 was exceptional warm allowing the buds to set up perfectly.
Fun Facts
The human body is bombarded 24/7 by microbes and germ filled bacteria and it must be protected by the external defense system composed of the digestive, respiratory, and integumentary systems. This entire internal defense system is called the immune system, which consists of the white blood cells flowing through your veins and arteries constantly.

Fun Facts
The East Coast is bracing for an invasion of a very large venomous spider native to East Asia, specifically China and Japan. The spider rarely bites humans. The venom is not deadly to humans. Presently the spiders are found in Southern states like Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee. The spider likes living in the city, for it is often found on street lamps and telephone poles.

Fun Facts
The ancient Greek plant, the iris, is named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow. The Egyptians were likely influenced by Greek mythology and used the iris to symbolize their connections to heaven. The Greeks planted irises on women’s graves to encourage the goddess Iris to guide their souls to heaven. In fact, it is the iris that inspired the fleur-de-lis, the National symbol for France.

Fun Facts
A jet stream is a narrow band of strong high altitude winds that “steers” high and low pressure systems along, and sometimes into areas they normally are not strong in (NWS). This can create many weather phenomena across the US. The jet stream may dip dramatically south, almost to the equator, or north into the Arctic. Two major weather patterns—El Niño (little boy) and La Niña (little girl)—may be carried by the jet stream and cause severe unpredicted weather changes that may last for 9-12 months (NOAA).

Fun Facts
A Lily-of-the-valley is a small, dainty, bellshaped, flowering, ground cover shrub with a charming, sweet aroma. They bloom in May and are a sign of the upcoming summer. Lilyofthe-Valley are also known as: Lady’s Tears, May Lily, and May bells. They are not actually a Lily but a member of the Asparagus family; whose flowers represent sweetness, purity, humility, and virtue. Legend believes that Apollo created the ground cover flower for nymphs to walk on.
Fun Facts
Valentines Day’s ancient origin is by the Romans when they celebrated the feast of Lupercalia in honor of the wolf Lupa who suckled Romulus and Remus, as well as Faunus the God of Agriculture and the season to start sowing seeds and hoping for a fertile year. The expression “being hit on” came from this festival when drunk naked young men ran through the streets whipping blood smeared women with hides of animals they had just sacrificed. The women were willing participants believing it would make them fertile.