Fun Facts
The pyramid is part of the great seal first used in 1935 on the reverse side of the dollar bill and it represents strength and duration. President FDR added the pyramid and eye to the dollar bill. The pyramid is unfinished meaning the United States will always “grow, improve and build” while the eye is called the Eye of Providence and represents the “all seeing eye of God” or divine guidance for the American cause, even when it is low and struggling. The pyramid itself represents strength and durability. The Units States is a country built on religious freedom, and the Eye of Providence is a reminder of that. The eagle on the front of the bill also has one eye visible.
Above the pyramid a latin phrase “Annuit Coeptis” means God has favored our undertakings while the other phrase below the pyramid “Novus Ordo Seclorum” means the new order of the ages. The open eye gazing into eternity the founders were inspired by the Egyptians’s eye of the horus-a mythical Egyptian Goddess. The roman numerals MDCCLXXVI in the base of the pyramid mean 1776 the same roman numerals found on the statue of Liberty.
The disembodied eye is an odd choice for the US symbol of the state for it suggests the sense of a prying authoritarian Big Brother to some people.
Why is money green? The special green ink use by the government protects us from counterfeiters.